1st Year Program of Study
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Unit 1 - Working in the Laboratory

In this unit you will develop your skills in using laboratory equipment safely as well as investigating 3 states of matter.
Loads of work with the Bunsen Burners !
Unit 2 - Measurement

Being able to record the results of experiments accurately is important. Both the value and the unit are needed.
In this section you will measure and collect information on a number of things and then develop ways to show your results clearly.
Unit 3 - Separating Mixtures

In this unit you will meet a selection of mixtures and think of ways in which they can be separated back out into their components or purified.
For example, how would you extract the salt from road grit, (leaving the sand behind), if you needed it for your fish and chips ?
Distillation is big business where it is used to make Irish Whiskey or Scottish Whisky.
Unit 4 - The Human Body

In this unit we will start by looking at the skeleton; what it does for us and what various bits of it are called.
( If you get a scary visitor at Halloween you will now be able to give the correct names to some of its bones )
In the second part of our work we will look at the food we eat and learn that a balanced diet is important.
We will also carry out tests on different food stuffs to see what they contain.
Unit 5 - Energy

The different types of energy are introduced in this unit and an understanding that energy can be converted from one form to another is covered in a number of practicals.
We also look at where we source our energy from and decide whether these sources are renewable or non-renewable.
The Sun in this picture reminds us that it is the ultimate source of all energy on this planet.
Unit 6 - Collecting Data

How does a pea grow?
This unit is all about careful observation and recording of results. You will look at germination and measure shoots and roots in a 'Pea Diary'. You will need your results for analysis in unit 8.
Unit 7 - Forces

We will keep the tug-of-war for school sports day and do other experiments.
What affects Friction? i.e. how can we increase or decrease friction?
Can you make a tool to accurately record the mass of an unknown object using the science learnt in the classroom?
( p.s. the answer is YES !)
What affects Friction? i.e. how can we increase or decrease friction?
Can you make a tool to accurately record the mass of an unknown object using the science learnt in the classroom?
( p.s. the answer is YES !)
Unit 8 - Analyzing Data

Back to the 'Pea Diary'. Hopefully you will have loads of data to work with.
( unless you forgot about them and they died through lack of water or went mouldy)
Unit 9 - Crystals and Solutions

Beautiful crystals!!! We will be growing some and looking at their shapes.
We will also be looking at what concentration is and meeting terms like solute, solvent and solution.
Unit 10 - Plants and Animals

We will look at the Characteristics of Life that we share with other members of the animal kingdom. Yes! we are animals and while we are on the subject, so are insects, spiders and worms.
I wonder, do you think if that sheep got hungry it would eat itself?
We will use microscopes for the first time and prepare a number of slides of animal and plant tissue.
Unit 11 - Acids and Bases I

Vinegar for Vasps! Bicarbonate for Bees! How to treat an insect sting; but how does that relate to the science.
We will meet loads of acids and bases and find out how to test to see which is which.
Unit 12 - Digestion

Chew each bite 40 times remember. Why?... to break your food down into small enough pieces to swallow.. but is there more to digestion?
Yes! loads more (including some fun practical work)
Yes! loads more (including some fun practical work)
Unit 13 - Temperature Effects

What happens to solids, liquids or gases when you heat them?
Does water really expand when it's heated?
What is a 'Change of State' ?
Does water really expand when it's heated?
What is a 'Change of State' ?
Unit 14 - Metals and Non-metals

That ring wouldn't look as impressive if the diamond was replaced by a bit of charcoal but both diamond and charcoal are made from the same material; the element Carbon.
We will look at different elements from the Periodic table and compare their properties.
We will also look at mixtures and compounds and take the work we did earlier in the year on Separation one stage further.
We will look at different elements from the Periodic table and compare their properties.
We will also look at mixtures and compounds and take the work we did earlier in the year on Separation one stage further.
Unit 15 - Circulation and Blood

What is blood?... Why do we need it?... How is it moved around the body?... did the teacher really say 'we are going to cut up hearts next class'?.
In this section we will also look at the need for exercise in a healthy lifestyle and look at fitness and measure our pulses.
Unit 16 - Year Review

Painful I know.... but the Summer Exam is just around the corner now and it would be a good idea to review the year's work and get some revision in.