3rd Year Program of Study
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Unit 28 - Human Reproduction
After we have looked at germination, following on from the work on the Flowering Plant in Unit 26, we will turn our attention to Human reproduction. We will follow the whole process from conception to birth and through to puberty.
Unit 29 - The Atom and Bonding
We have been talking about atoms and molecules from the start of the course without really explaining what we beleive they look like. Now is the time to meet the Bohr atom and then go on to look at ionic and covalent bonding. At last, an explanation for the mysterious ions we met last year in Unit 17 when we discussed calcium ions and water hardness.
Unit 30 - Physical Properties
Time to get to grips with the equations that we need for the Junior Certificate exam. We look at Density again as well as forces and the Law of Moments. We will get to grips with the concepts of Work and Power and also Pressure
Unit 31 - The Senses
We will look at the nervous system and how it responds to stimuli in our receptors to keep us informed about what is going on in the World around us.
The eye is an important organ and we will study it in detail.
Unit 32 - Excretion
Carbon dioxide in exhaled breath, urea in urine and water in our breath, sweat and urine are the excretory products that we need to be aware of.
Unit 33 - Acids and Bases II
We will learn the names, formulae and properties of a number of acids and bases and carry out neutralization reactions called titrations. Acid plus base produces salt plus water.
Unit 34 - Microbiology
We hear about good and bad bacteria all the time on TV but bacteria are only one group of micro-orgnaisms that are important to us. We will look at our surroundings including the air we breath and see that we are surrounded by micro-organisms constantly.
Brewing, bread and cheese making as well as the manufacture of medicines are called biotechnology and we will study these too.
Unit 35 - Electrical Circuits II
Ohm's Law is covered in this unit as well as an understanding of the kilowatt-hour as the unit that is supplied to our houses.
We will also make a number of different circuits and see how they perform.
Unit 36 - Metal Reactions
Rusting and the reactivity series are the main focus of this section. We will make Hydrogen again and finish the course with a Bang!!!
Unit 37 - Course Revision
Plenty of time has been set aside to review the whole three years' work and prepare properly for the exam. The course is completed, Courseworks A and B are out of the way. This is the final push for exam success.