Unit 23 - Fossil Fuels
Learning Outcomes:
- Recall that fossil fuels are sources of hydrocarbons, and that they produce CO2 and H2O when burned (OC53)
- Be able to list two examples of fossil fuels (OC54)
- Understand that natural gas is mainly methane (OC57)
- Understand that chemistry has an important role in pharmacy, medicine and the food industry (OC61)
- Demonstrate and describe what happens when (i) a wooden splint and (ii) a piece of magnesium are burned in air (OC23)
- Burn carbon and magnesium in oxygen, and test the products using moist litmus paper (OC26)
- Identify everyday applications of plastics, and understand that crude oil products are the raw material for their production (OC58)
- Relate the properties of plastics to their use (OC59)
- Describe and discuss the impact of nonbiodegradable plastics on the environment (OC60)
- Understand the importance of conservation, pollution and waste management to the environment, and identify ways in which living things contribute to these, both individually and as a community (OB63)
- Describe the role of the combustion of fuels and of SO2 in the production of acid rain, and describe the effects of acid rain (OC55)
- Describe the effect of acid rain on limestone and on plants (OC56)
What forms fossil fuels?A short history lesson
Air PollutionThere are some scary statistics in this clip
PlasticsDid you know that ?
A general discussion on air pollutionWe take the air we breathe for granted.. don't we ?
Acid RainA short school project to watch and learn from
Non-Biodegradable PlasticsThis clip is not pleasant to watch. Be warned!