After re-reading Chapter 18 'Habitat Study'. Complete sections A and B (in your copy).
Revise Photosynthesis, Respiration and Transport in Plants for your test. If you can do all the tasks on the Check List for Unit 22 then you know you are well prepared.
Answer all the 'blue questions' on pages 77 and 78 of your text book.
Use your textbook and notes from class to revise for Friday's test on 'Chemistry in Everyday Life'. Chapter 24 in your text book is very important for this.
Read page 230 of your text book and make notes on each of the plastics mentioned.
Use the guidance notes given to you to write your first draft of your Coursework B in the booklet given to you. Focus on pages 8 to 12 (13 if you need it). This must be handed in on Wednesday for marking. In case you have misplaced either document they have been included below. If you are stuck or need advice ask for help in class, before or after school, at breaks or use the online help option. Don't sit back and say 'I can't do this'.
The main focus of work in class at the moment is on your Junior Certificate Coursework and so no class time will be given to revision.
I expect you to devote at least 1 hour of study per week to revision for the exam. Start by reading pages 71-83 and pages 186-196 from your text book. If you have any difficulties with the work ask for help in class or use the help option on these pages. How you perform on questions on these topics will be used to guage if you have completed your homework and how good you are at home study. Further revision topics for the exam can be found here Research and collect suitable materials for your insulation experiment. I expect to see a written outline of exactly what you plan to test. This plan should include ideas about volume, containers, insulation material, time frame for taking measurements etc. There are numerous examples of similar experiments that others have done on the internet. Research.... for example, here is one, (that you will not be doing on this scale either in terms of size of container or length of time of experiment. .
You are working on your Junior Certificate Coursework at the moment and to make sure you do your best it is important you understand what marks are awarded for. To help you with this your homework is to read through an investigation and attempt to mark it using the marking scheme.
The Investigation can be found here and the marking scheme, here or you can get both from the marking coursework drop down on the coursework menu. Use the results of the cooling experiment on wax that we did on Friday to plot a line graph of the temperature changes you observed. Plot temperature on the Y-axis (vertical) and time in minutes along the X-axis (horizontal). Choose an appropriate title and add a legend on both axes.
AuthorMr. Clarke Archives
April 2013
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