Add a page to your web site titled "Energy Conversions" and write up the three experiments we did in class. Remember that you can, if you wish, take a picture of the work in your copy and post that. The experiments show:
Your website should now have ALL of the following:
- The conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy to heat and light energy
- The conversion of electrical energy to magnetic energy (and then to kinetic energy)
- The conversion of light energy to electrical energy to kinetic energy
Your website should now have ALL of the following:
- A Home Page with a brief introduction... Remember NO contact details
- A page on Separating Mixtures where you have written up the experiments
- A page on Energy in Food covering the experiments where we burnt food
- A page on our work on The Skeleton where we cut up chicken wings and feet
- A page with your What is Energy picollage
- A blog page called Reflections which has a post on My First Weeks in Confey and The Human Body